the earth excreted life—countless globules of earth—and once excreted, life
could become conscious of itself because there were now points of
reference. Self and Other came to
be. We globules of land became aware,
but at the same time, only aware of our separateness. All of this has happened in the blink of an
eye. Now we’re at the point—self-aware
and conscious and awake enough—to recognize that we’re not separate at
all. Once we fully awaken to our total,
unified identity we will be able to act congruently with the land. We’ve gone through a period of chaos as
billions of us groggily awakened and said, Huh? What?
Who am I? Where am I? and
groped about and made a mess of things while we tried to get our bearings. Now we’re sloughing off the grogginess, and
beginning to get it. Oh, I’m just a node
of Gaia, connected to all other nodes.
Part of a web I am utterly dependent upon for my existence.
been on another reading binge lately, which is very bad because I really need
to be writing instead. Once I finish the
book I’m currently reading I’m not going to let myself check anything out of
the library for awhile.
regardless, as usual all of these books are triggering fascinating lines of
thought. It always seems like all of the
various topics have a way of converging in my mind—leading to interesting
insights and clues that you wouldn’t get to without the juxtaposition of so
many ideas at once. It’s a neat kind of
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