delivered a great big pile of poop to me yesterday. Now I need to get busy and get the new garden
beds dug. I also bought seed potatoes
yesterday and I need to cut them up and let them dry so I can get them in the
ground. The garlic has sprouted and I’ve
got a bag of red onion sets I need to plant, and peas that need to go in. Collin and I started the tomatoes and peppers
on Sunday. And I’ve been potting up Collin’s
herbs into larger containers—chives, parsley, basil, and oregano. I bought a small roll of hardware cloth so I
can make a sifter for the compost—I’ll try to get to that today. Spring’s finally here—hooray! (Although it’s been cold and snowy for the
past few weeks. Today it’s supposed to
get into the 60’s finally.)
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